Seguidores, GRACIAS

2 de julio de 2014

Learning about life

When everything is okay, when you're completely happy, when you appreciate everything that is around you... you are starting to enjoy the life
I know that it is not easy but nothing is impossible, and I, better than anyone, I know that the life is only a game, and you have to know how to move your cards. You can think about strategies to make your road more comfortable, but things are spontaneous and you have to be prepared to affront difficulties which can present in front of you in whatever moment.
I learnt that when I fall down, when I'm on the floor, without any help, I have to follow some reason to carry on my way. I don't have to be desolate, or to be disappointed with myself. The best important thing on this life is to be proud of ourselves, in spite of the fact that we have had bad histories, or inappropriate actions on our lifes. We have the right to start over.
Finally, I want to encourage people to be strong and conscious that all can be better and nothing can convert you life in a hell.

1 comentario:

  1. Espero que os guste mi nueva entrada, mi primera nueva entrada después de un laaaargo tiempo. Es la primera vez que escribo en inglés. Lo siento si hay fallos, que obviamente los habrá. Me ha gustado mucho escribir en otro idioma y haberme dado cuenta de que soy capaz de hacerlo. Un beso.
